Rethinking Resolutions, part 1

Stay tuned later in the week where the mystery of the couscous is revealed…

Stay tuned later in the week where the mystery of the couscous is revealed…

I was a mess last week: scattered, sad, disoriented, upset, tired, name it. This was not due to any one thing, rather a million. Compounding these feelings was the accumulative affects of a long, hard year, the end of a good-but-very-stressful holiday season, and a rocky beginning to our nation's 2021.

Perhaps you can relate.

Typically, I looooove Januarys, and I looooooove resolutions. Not because I think there is some special voodoo magic about making resolutions at the start of a new year - we can re-start, re-think, and re-boot at any second of our lives that we choose! - but because humans are drawn to ritual and tradition, and sometimes it feels really good to have that "peel off the band-aid and start afresh" sort of feeling that a new year can give. Also because I love dreaming of the future, coming up with fun, audacious plans (rappel off a building, anyone?), and because it's incredibly exciting to me to see a whole 365 new days stretched out before me.

This year, however, I have had a much more challenging time finding and keeping that sense of optimism, hope, and excitement. Don't get me wrong - I believe in it, as whole-heartedly as ever; it's just been harder to live into it. Anyone still with me? Can I get an amen?

That is why, for this year, I am rethinking resolutions. Typically I run myself through a series of steps: what were last year's successes & challenges? Where is there room for growth? And what do I want out of this year: personally, professionally, etc? What are the steps needed to get there? I do this because I enjoy it and find value in it. I do it because it helps me to actually do the things I want (even if I don't do everything I dream) and I enjoy looking back in future years to see where I've come from.

There is nothing wrong with this system in itself. it's just that this year, I'm not there - at least not at this point. Truthfully, all of us should feel some amount of success from last year just because we are still standing! And I am quickly finding that for me, some very important parts of 2021 may lie in things like self-care and the long game.

So the questions I've been pondering recently are things like,

  • Where do I need balance in my life, and what can help me find it?

  • How much bandwidth am I realistically dealing with right now?

  • What will add more breath and joy into my daily life?

I still believe 2021 is bursting with possibility, and I truly hope you do, too. But topping our resolutions list this year, let's all add,
"Be kind and patient, with ourselves and others."

If this sounds like how you are starting 2021, read on - we are rolling out a program that may resonate with right where you are...

SCRAPPY WELLNESS: the 2021, Anti-Resolution New Year's Program
What might happen if we replaced:
"Full steam ahead then fizzle out" with
"Small, consistent, & steady changes"?

Enter Scrappy Wellness, possibly the only 2021 Wellness Program that's asking you to half-ass your way to your goals. Here's what you get:

  • A detailed, weekly workout program that everyone has time for (for real),

  • Two months of recipes laid out in monthly plans,

  • Nutrition de-mystified with specific things to work on so you know what you are doing,

  • Regular Trainer Accountability and Group Support,

...and more!

Interested? Email me here and I will send you an info sheet with more details.

This program starts February 1. There is a minimum client number needed, so reach out today to talk to me AND your friends!