Journeys, Exploration, and My Hip

Headshot, 5-2021 cropped.png

I just need help loosening up my quads.”

That’s what I told my primary care doctor, because, you know, all my extensive medical degrees. 

Around the beginning of 2016, I began to notice a tightness in my left leg that had not been there before. It was particularly strange because there was no added pain and seemed to come out of nowhere. But as the year moved into spring, the loss of movement became undeniable, and I finally went to get it checked out. By then my left hip was noticeably less flexible than my right, with some pain - my left hip has always operated somewhat differently, has never been quite as flexible...but now there was an added strangeness about it, because the difference was much more pronounced. 

My doctor was reluctant to refer me to a physical therapist without X-rays, but she did, and on we marched. In hindsight, I feel bad for my PT’s who were working in the dark. But I learned a lot from them - I began really noticing my movement patterns in daily life for the first time, for instance, how how my knees turned inward when walking up the stairs. I began spending more time strengthening my abductor and glute muscles and tried out a TENS unit. Then one day while at PT, my quad muscles did feel ‘unlocked’...yet all of a sudden, that quad tightness was replaced by a new, much scarier pain deep in my hip. It was the first time I felt concerned. 

Back to the doctor I went, and this time X-rays were in order. When my doctor called, she sounded as shocked as I felt when she told me I had a significant amount of osteoarthritis in my hip. The joint was not bone-on-bone yet, it was surprisingly far along for my age. 

So I scheduled an appointment with a hip specialist, and began reading about hip arthroscopies, where they can ‘clean up’ a damaged hip joint: shave off pieces from labrum tears or impingements, smooth out the rough edges so to speak. This is what I thought was in store for me. The news I received, however, was that it was too far gone for an arthroscopy and that nothing else could be done except to get a hip replacement. 

What?!? No way. 

He must have not realized I was only 38. That I still had a 2-year-old in the house. That I was far too busy for that to be possible. So I went to a second hip specialist, who told me exactly the same thing, only this time, less compassionately. That was that. 

This was, essentially, the beginning of a five-year journey of exploration. I was not ready in the slightest for that sort of surgery. I was reluctant for a million reasons, many of which had to do with the fear that I would lose the ability to move my body in all the ways I enjoyed, including running, rock climbing, heavy lifting, and high-impact-type workouts. I felt there had to be more I could do on my own. 

Many of you have followed this journey with my hip for years now. You’ve heard firsthand of all the things I’ve experimented with, including but not limited to

  • Foam rolling,

  • Targeted strength training with Strongfirst trainer Betsie Collie, owner of Rapid Results Fitness, on flexibility, Turkish Get Ups, kettlebell training, etc.,

  • Chiropractor Jessica Fay, owner of Oak City Chiropractic, where I learned about ART,

  • Chiropractor Lindsay Mumma, owner of Triangle Chiropractic and Rehabilitation Center, where I learned about how our feet affect everything & worked on my flat feet and gait, among other things,

  • the world of Feldenkreis, starting with Bob Boyd of Triangle Feldenkreis, as well as books and online sources, 

  • Changing up what I eat and noticing the results it had on my hip. Adding the natural anti-inflammatory curcumin into my diet (thank you, Bettie Lou!), regularly taking vitamins and fish oil, and removing/reducing gluten, 

  • Acupuncture treatments at Triangle Acupuncture,

  • Yoga classes with the illustrious Jess Fass of Always Evolving Life Health Wellness and others,

  • ‘Natural’, or ‘functional’ movement and lots of mobility work, following groups like MovNat and Movement Parallels Life

  • Regular sports massage with Tami Whitehead, where I was regularly reminded/chided for my water intake and the need for more Epson salt baths, 

  • Greater overall movement awareness of how/why we all move like we do, with materials from Chandler Stevens, founder of Ecosomatics,

  • PRP injection

  • Foam rolling, foam rolling, foam rolling. So much foam rolling. I now have a certification in foam rolling, because by this point, why not?

I tried some of the above interventions only once or twice; some of them I did for years. Some practices proved to be incredibly helpful for pain management and mobility, and some seemed to make little to no difference at all. And all of it may be totally different for another person’s body in their personal experience, which is a staggeringly beautiful and frustratingly mystifying thing about bodies: just how alike and different we are at the same time. 

Then earlier this year I visited Dr. Nathani at the Holistic Vitality Center. I had not done a stellar job in keeping up with any of my hip practices during the dumpster fire of 2020, but I was ready to get back to it. When I discovered Holistic Vitality, I was intrigued that so many of the practices I had found relief with (ie. PT, acupuncture, chiropractor, massage) were integrated under the same roof, done at the same time, so that they all worked together towards one goal. 

But that chapter didn’t last long. By the second visit, my (brand new) X-rays had arrived at their office. Dr. Nathani took one look at them and everything changed. She gave me a long and compassionate play-by-play of what she saw in the X-rays, as well as all the ways my left hip was now negatively affecting my pelvis and right hip, essentially beginning to jack up everything. Then she said, “I’ve been in practice for over 20 years, and in that time I’ve only recommended surgery to about 11 people, because there is almost always something else that can be done. But in your case, I think you should go ahead and get the surgery.” 

Many people who had gotten hip replacements told me I would just “know” when it was time for me to get one. That was my moment. I mean, when a holistic practitioner tells you it’s time to get surgery, you know the game is up! But it was more than that. By that point, I had altered many things about my everyday life. I spent a hefty amount of time and mental energy on my hip, but now with much less payoff. And the pain and lack of mobility had begun to more deeply affect my quality of life, both physically and mentally. In short, I was weary of working on that puzzle and ready to move on to other things. 

So should I have just gone ahead and gotten the surgery five years ago when I was first told I needed one? What was the value in waiting so long?

Wow, it’s tricky, isn’t it? Because there are tradeoffs to every. single. choice. we make. 

Here’s what I know

  • I was able to avoid surgery & keep my own hip for five more years. That’s no small thing.

  • I’m a better trainer today because of my hip.

  • I am a more compassionate person. 

  • I have a much deeper respect for the miracle of our bodies: how they work and move.

  • I have searched and learned more about injury prevention, corrective exercise, mobility, strength training, alternative practices, and ways of moving than I ever would have before. 

Additionally, I have experienced the supreme connection between our minds and bodies, the extent that hope plays in pain and healing, and the deep gratitude I have for compassionate and curious medical providers that come alongside where you are.

So that chapter is complete, and now I am excited to walk down this new road! To be grateful for the opportunity to work with an incredible surgeon and his team and come out on the other side with a wealth of new things to learn about and grow from. 

On Monday, September 20, I'll be getting my total hip replacement. The details will unfold as I go, but the recovery time is roughly 6 weeks, give or take. I’ve got a plan in place for online group classes to continue, so if you are looking to jump in this fall, we’d always love to have you! And I’ll resume meeting with in-home training Folks as soon as possible, with a bridge plan until then. 

I write all of this in the hope that it may be helpful for someone else who is experiencing any of these same things. At the least, know that you are not alone! At best, maybe some of the things I have explored over the years can be a springboard for you as well. 

I also write this in part for my own personal need to process and have a record of the last 5 years. Most of what I wrote above could be bullet-pointed: I did this, then this, then this. But my journey has also been filled with a lot of emotions, both high and low, and a fair amount of sensation, from slightly uncomfortable to ‘can hardly walk’. Lately, it’s been genuinely interesting to see the huge role that hope has played in my journey: now that hope is ‘gone’ (i.e. the hope is now in the surgery vs. my own practices), these last few months have been admittedly, pretty hard. I’ve felt less of a desire to do all of the things I know will help my hip feel better and I have felt more pain, frustration, and annoyance lately which has been difficult to manage. I do believe it’s all part of the process, but it still sucks at the moment. Now that I’ve made the decision for surgery, I’m ready to be on the other side of that decision!

Finally, I write this to say, thank you. There are far too many people to thank for all the years of listening, guidance, and support, but many, MANY of them are know who you are. So thanks to all of you for everything

Here’s to a life of exploration, experimentation, curiosity, and of course, movement. May we continue to grow, learn, and support one another, and recognize the value of each stage of our journeys.

What I'm Eating this Week

I am obsessed with these meal plan and grocery aids! They are AMAZING!

I am obsessed with these meal plan and grocery aids! They are AMAZING!

Most weeks, I try to shop on the weekend so we’re ready to roll by Monday. This weekend was full of all sorts of coming-out-of-Covid-back-into-normal-life events, so the groceries didn’t happen. Not only were there still no groceries by Monday night, there was also little bandwidth.

Do you have those days? Where you are able to look ahead and tell it’s going to be a low-bandwidth type of week?

I’ve come to realize that’s not a bad thing. There’s no shame in recognizing not every week will be the same and that we will have more energy to throw at some weeks than others. The trick is to see it in advance and work with it, not against it. I also recognize that my eating choices are far more often shaped by my pre-planning than by my motivation. If I have a plan, I will work it. Without one, I may find myself driving through Cook-out and wondering what happened.

So Monday night with my kids’ help (and to get buy-in from them) I scratched out a low-bandwidth meal plan and raced to the store to get it over with. This was my criteria:

  • Extremely low preparation and cooking times

  • At least a couple fruits and vegetables (even if I just peeled an orange or sliced a cucumber)

  • Quick-prep but at least moderate-quality protein

  • Meals that were more than just carbs

Some meals met my criteria better than others. Here’s my meal plan for this week:

MONDAY: Soup and sandwiches / with sliced cucumbers, oranges, peach, sliced red peppers

TUESDAY: Rotisserie chicken and caesar salad kit / with sliced fruit & veggies

WEDNESDAY: Salmon and broccoli / with simple salad (YES, salmon is easy enough to make on a low-bandwidth week! Cooking salmon requires ALMOST NO WORK! Let me know if you want the recipe.)

THURSDAY: Tortellini, green beans, sliced ham / with other fruit and veggies

FRIDAY: Make-you-own flatbread pizza / with sliced fruit & veggies

SATURDAY: Leftovers, maybe fish sticks if there’s not enough

SUNDAY: Breakfast for dinner: sliced ham, eggs, 1/2 English muffin / with sliced fruit and veggies

If I work this meal plan, it means I can also make lunch salads very easily with the salmon, rotisserie chicken or the ham. And our fridge is full of easy-to-grab fruit (like grapes, blueberries, bananas, carrots, etc) and pre-washed veggies in bags that literally only take three minutes to steam in the microwave.


Next time you are having a low-bandwidth week, don’t just try to power through or feel shame about it - work with where you are and give yourself the gift of a plan (so you don’t have to think about it later)!

The One About the Couscous!

"Maybe couscous is incredibly healthy."
"Maybe it's part of a new 2021 health fad."
"Maybe she just really loves couscous."


Couscous doesn't contain amazing "superfood" health benefits, although it does receive the "smallest pasta in the world" award. No new couscous health fads that I know of...but wait until tomorrow and maybe there'll be a new one. And I like couscous fine, I guess (plus it's fun to say!), but what I love about couscous is really that it is incredibly fast and easy if I'm in need of a side dish to add to my meal (5 minutes!). So why three massive containers?

To set the stage: I'm slogging through last week. I feel like I'm mentally working three times as hard to get a fraction of the work done - everything feels difficult to accomplish, and the harder I try, the more balls I feel like I'm dropping.

My family returned home after being away, everything was topsy-turvy, and we had no groceries (see yesterday's post about the dangers of not having groceries). After days of making do/eating out, I threw the girls in the car at 6pm, and said, "we have no plan and no list, but we've gotta get some food!" So we're racing through the store, doing the best we can, and I get to where the couscous is.

Do I need couscous? Am I out? Yes, I need it! Nah, I think I've got some - I'm good.

I leave that aisle, then only couple of minutes later decide I should've gotten some and send my girls back to find it.

We get home. I'm unpacking the bags and discover that we had bought TWO containers of couscous. That means I had already picked up one container immediately before sending the girls back to unknowingly get a 2nd container. I think, "How ridiculous, I'm losing my mind." Then I take the couscous to the pantry, and there in all its glory, is a THIRD full container of couscous. And something in me cracks.

I just stand there, staring at all of the couscous. I stand there for a while, actually, thinking, "This is my week. This is where I am right now. This is a perfect picture of how I feel." And I take a picture.

Here's the thing: in the reading of it, this story may not seem like much. Perhaps vaguely funny, but no big deal. Likely though, at some point, you've been there, too: at the end of your energy, staring at a pile of proverbial couscous, thinking, "how the heck did I get here and what do I do now?"

So what is the picture about-what does the photo mean? I get to decide.

  • When I first took it, it was probably more self-deprecating than anything else. I wasn't happy. But here I am, one week later, still standing. Starting 2021, I wanted to let Folks know -
    - To be kind to yourself!...
    - Don't feel too overwhelmed to jump into a new workout routine...
    - Even a small amount of preparation can make big differences, and...
    - There's help waiting for you if you want it.

I've put that couscous picture on every post I've made this week. So which is it - photo proof of my silly, flustered, human flaws? Or a line drawn in the sand marking what I can do if I just keep moving?

Folks, you don't need me to tell you that our 2021 challenges are bigger than overbuying on couscous. My bigger life problems have not evaporated because I've written a handful of posts this week. But I am here to say that those wellness goals you want to accomplish? YOU CAN DO IT. You want to get stronger, move better, learn how to eat in a way that better nourishes yourself and your family? You want to feel good in your own skin, less creaky, more energy? You can make that happen. And I would love to be a part of your journey.

I have the tools to help you set up your own workout program and help make it habit. To show you how to eat in order to effectively reach the goals you are looking for. To be your cheerleader when you have weeks like mine last week.

What is it you are hoping for from 2021? If you need a nudge to get moving in the right direction, let's talk. You can email me at

Here's to US in 2021 - We've got this!

Rethinking Resolutions, part 3: Setting Up Your Week

There is a fine line between "Making It Work" and "Hot Mess". 

Some weeks, that line is finer than others. I've already mentioned last week was a tough one for me. The reasons don't even matter too much in this sense, because as wonderful as life is, it'll never stop being hard; stress is here to stay. So if we wait for a lull in our lives in order to embark on making the changes we want, we are waiting on false sense of reality. This - the here and now - is what we have to work with.

So what is it that makes the difference between moving bravely forward(or in some cases, faltering and with trepidation, but still forward nonetheless)and falling apart?

I don't pretend to be a guru on a hill that has the answer to all of life. And I won't take a complex question and distill it to a three point system to follow. But Iwilltell you one thing I found helpful between last week and this week:


Here's what I know from my own experience: taking just a small amount of time to look ahead at the coming week before I'm in the middle of it is often the "make or break" for me, especially if those weeks are particularly packed, stressful, or go off the rails. On a good week when I make the time, here are three things I try to do on or by Sunday:

  • Stop and Think. I've got a long way to go on the disciplines of journaling and meditation, but in a way, this moment of pause encapsulates a bit of both. I grabbed this idea from Chandler Stevens, who is a guru. With paper and pen in hand, I:

    • Look back at last week. What happened and how did it go? What were the obstacles? How can I reduce the friction?

    • Look ahead to this week. What's coming? What are my priorities? Where do I need help?

    • Realistically assess my bandwidth. This one's important. How much gas will I have in my tank to do all the things? Do I need to scale back in order to make it work?

  • A Plan for Dinners. Breakfast is about the same in our house every day. Our lunches are most often contingent on dinners, which means that dinner for us are an important lynch pin of healthy eating. Taking just a few minutes to sketch out what I'll be doing and post it on the fridge means I don't have to use those precious brain cells later in the week when my capacity is lower.

  • A Grocery Run. The dinner plan doesn't matter without the goods! And if the raw materials are there, you can improvise a healthy meal more easily on the fly if you have more options to work with. One of my non-negotiables is to have at least one fruit or veggie with every meal, no matter what. So I want to be sure I have fresh produce on hand, as well as frozen and canned.

You'd think my mental state would be more tied to whether sh*t hits the fan or not, but often I think the right amount of pre-planning can help ground me in a way that makes a huge difference, even for the things I can't predict.

This idea is also the foundation that Scrappy Wellness is built on: not making the biggest changes, but the most effective ones. Here's a little more about the program:

SCRAPPY WELLNESS: the 2021, Anti-Resolution New Year's Program
What might happen if we replaced:
"Full steam ahead then fizzle out" with
"Small, consistent, & steady changes"?

Enter Scrappy Wellness, possibly the only 2021 Wellness Program that's asking you to half-ass your way to your goals. Here's what you get:

  • A detailed, weekly workout program that everyone has time for (for real),

  • Two months of recipes laid out in monthly plans,

  • Nutrition de-mystified with specific things to work on so you know what you are doing,

  • Regular Trainer Accountability and Group Support,

...and more!

Interested? Email me here and I will send you an info sheet with more details.

This program starts February 1. There is a minimum client number needed, so reach out today to talk to me AND your friends!

Rethinking Resolutions, part 2: Workout Planning, De-Mystified

No couscous needed for the workouts listed below…although you could use them as weights if you buy multiple containers as I have!

No couscous needed for the workouts listed below…although you could use them as weights if you buy multiple containers as I have!

Movement and eating should be two of the most natural parts of human activity, yet when it comes to exercise and nutrition, many people feel lost and confused. Time to make it way easier.

Here's the nitty-gritty...

When I am creating a total-body workout, I make sure to include at least one exercise from our most fundamental human movements. Those movements are:

When building YOUR workout, you could stop there with 1 exercise from each of those four movements, or you could choose to add a few more categories to round your plan out a bit more:

  • Lateral (side-to-side) movement = Lateral lunges, shuffles

  • Mobility, Balance, and/or Gait = Bear crawls, single-leg movements, Farmer's carries

  • Core = Deadbugs, planks, windshield wipers, Russian twists

Using this idea, an effective workout stand-by to come back to again and again would be to take one exercise from each of the above columns and put it together as a circuit, doing each exercise for 30 seconds before moving on to the next one. Your workout might look like this:

  1. Squats

  2. Rows

  3. Deadlifts

  4. Chest press

  5. Bear crawl

  6. Lateral lunges

  7. Plank hold

    Rest 30 seconds.

One round is 4 minutes. Four minutes! We all have 4 minutes, right? There, Folks, is your 4 minute exercise plan! Have a little more time? Choose to repeat for 2-3 rounds.

Start by committing to this workout, even just bodyweight only, once a day - for four minutes (and don't worry, if your workout is 4 minutes long, you don't need to worry about overtraining by doing it everyday). Once it becomes a habit and the movements feel easier, begin adding weight, rounds, or complexity (by introducing single-leg movements for instance). You could work in this way for months finding variety and progression, and in only about 4-12 minutes per day! The important part is to not let confusion hold your feet in place. Analysis paralysis is real; fight it by getting started, right where you are, right now.

Workouts like these are what Scrappy Wellness is made of: simple and time-tested, this program prizes consistent, effective training over a total overhaul. We take the same ideas and apply them to nutrition as well, which you'll hear about in the next newsletter this week. Here's a bit more info about what is part of the Scrappy Wellness plan:

  • A detailed, weekly workout program that everyone has time for (see above!),

  • Two months of recipes laid out in monthly plans,

  • Nutrition de-mystified, with specific things to work on so you know what to do,

  • Regular Trainer Accountability and Group Support,

...and more!

Interested? Email me here and I will send you an info sheet with more details.

This program starts February 1. There is a minimum client number needed, so reach out today to talk to me AND your friends!

One more important note: there is exercise and there is movement. Certainly, the two overlap. But often, we stress about getting our workouts in without paying enough attention to the fact that we sit for the rest of the day. Both exercise and regular movement throughout the day are important! So while this post is about workout planning, know that it is just as important to look at your day as a whole and make sure you are moving all the way through it.

Rethinking Resolutions, part 1

Stay tuned later in the week where the mystery of the couscous is revealed…

Stay tuned later in the week where the mystery of the couscous is revealed…

I was a mess last week: scattered, sad, disoriented, upset, tired, name it. This was not due to any one thing, rather a million. Compounding these feelings was the accumulative affects of a long, hard year, the end of a good-but-very-stressful holiday season, and a rocky beginning to our nation's 2021.

Perhaps you can relate.

Typically, I looooove Januarys, and I looooooove resolutions. Not because I think there is some special voodoo magic about making resolutions at the start of a new year - we can re-start, re-think, and re-boot at any second of our lives that we choose! - but because humans are drawn to ritual and tradition, and sometimes it feels really good to have that "peel off the band-aid and start afresh" sort of feeling that a new year can give. Also because I love dreaming of the future, coming up with fun, audacious plans (rappel off a building, anyone?), and because it's incredibly exciting to me to see a whole 365 new days stretched out before me.

This year, however, I have had a much more challenging time finding and keeping that sense of optimism, hope, and excitement. Don't get me wrong - I believe in it, as whole-heartedly as ever; it's just been harder to live into it. Anyone still with me? Can I get an amen?

That is why, for this year, I am rethinking resolutions. Typically I run myself through a series of steps: what were last year's successes & challenges? Where is there room for growth? And what do I want out of this year: personally, professionally, etc? What are the steps needed to get there? I do this because I enjoy it and find value in it. I do it because it helps me to actually do the things I want (even if I don't do everything I dream) and I enjoy looking back in future years to see where I've come from.

There is nothing wrong with this system in itself. it's just that this year, I'm not there - at least not at this point. Truthfully, all of us should feel some amount of success from last year just because we are still standing! And I am quickly finding that for me, some very important parts of 2021 may lie in things like self-care and the long game.

So the questions I've been pondering recently are things like,

  • Where do I need balance in my life, and what can help me find it?

  • How much bandwidth am I realistically dealing with right now?

  • What will add more breath and joy into my daily life?

I still believe 2021 is bursting with possibility, and I truly hope you do, too. But topping our resolutions list this year, let's all add,
"Be kind and patient, with ourselves and others."

If this sounds like how you are starting 2021, read on - we are rolling out a program that may resonate with right where you are...

SCRAPPY WELLNESS: the 2021, Anti-Resolution New Year's Program
What might happen if we replaced:
"Full steam ahead then fizzle out" with
"Small, consistent, & steady changes"?

Enter Scrappy Wellness, possibly the only 2021 Wellness Program that's asking you to half-ass your way to your goals. Here's what you get:

  • A detailed, weekly workout program that everyone has time for (for real),

  • Two months of recipes laid out in monthly plans,

  • Nutrition de-mystified with specific things to work on so you know what you are doing,

  • Regular Trainer Accountability and Group Support,

...and more!

Interested? Email me here and I will send you an info sheet with more details.

This program starts February 1. There is a minimum client number needed, so reach out today to talk to me AND your friends!

1+1=Fun! February Partner Workout

This article appeared in Macaroni Kid: a free, weekly email newsletter which highlights upcoming events and activities for kids in our community. Check it out here, or read on below!…

Whether it’s for your spouse, children, friends, or pets....February means that Love is in the Air! 

Real talk: between the hype, commercialism, and pressure - I’ve never much of a fan of Valentine’s Day. But I am a fan of Love! And Sharing Fun Moments with those we love! And working off a Theme!

Which means February is the perfect opportunity for a PARTNER WORKOUT!!!

So find a partner, any partner (Significant Other, friend, kid, or your Mom), and give this full-body workout a try. Here’s your equipment list:

  • A willing partner in crime (or…fitness, ha)

  • One ball (any soccer-type ball will do, or you can also use a weighted medicine ball)

  • Two paper plates or sliders

  • A sense of humor - have fun trying out some of these moves together!

Partner Strength Circuit

Complete each exercise below for 30 seconds, then move to the next exercise. For exercises with asterisks, be sure to work the opposite side or swap places with partner & repeat before moving forward! Repeat circuit 2-3 times before collapsing into laughter on the floor. Here’s a video demo of all the exercises.

  • Balance w/ Ball Throw

  • Partner Arm Pushes*

  • Partner Arm Pulls*

  • High-5 Squats

  • Side Lunges w/ Ball Pass*

  • Russian Twist Pass

  • Partner Hamstring Curls*

  • Under, Over!

  • Partner Leap Frop

  • Partner Sleds*

  • Partner Drags*

Also, have you heard Folk Fitness is giving away a February happy? Just post of pic on your wall between now & Valentine's Day of you exercising with your Ride or Die, then tag "Folk Fitness" and you could win a prize! One name will be get ready to get moving!

Here’s to a heart-happy February!

On Embracing Scrappiness: Do It First and Get It Right Later

This article first appeared in Macaroni Kid: a free, weekly email newsletter which highlights upcoming events and activities for kids in our community. Check it out here, or read on below!…

When you only have so much time to home-color your hair AND make it to your kids’ school for Awards Day, you do what you have to do…

When you only have so much time to home-color your hair AND make it to your kids’ school for Awards Day, you do what you have to do


Do any of these thoughts sound familiar to you?

I’ll start when life is less crazy.

I was going strong, but then I fell off the wagon.

Once I mess up, I might as well just eat whatever I want for the rest of the day/week/month/year.

True confession: I tend to battle my Type A, need-to-be-perfect personality on a regular basis. One would think having kids would knock any need for perfection out the window, but sometimes it seems the drive to be a Pinterest-perfect mom just makes things worse! I wear a lot of hats in my life: mom, daughter, trainer, health coach, and entrepreneur, to name a few. And I often find myself warring between being the patient, fully-present, healthy person I want to be, and the overwhelmed and off-balance person who takes over. Then if I DO “fall off the wagon,” it’s easy to berate myself for not being stronger. Perhaps I’m not alone with these feelings?

If you can relate to the above, I’d love to share a few phrases that have helped me begin to break out of Perfection Prison:

Phrase #1: Progress, Not Perfection.

We all love the idea of an instant and total overhaul. It’s why makeover shows are so popular! I mean, what’s more sexy (and convenient!) than an overnight transformation? Especially now, at the beginning of a new year with resolutions fresh in our minds, it’s exciting to think about being our own health and fitness makeover rockstar. And I am all for capitalizing on fresh starts to give us an exciting boost! But it won’t be long until the donuts start knocking at the door, and if we maintain an all-or-nothing mindset, then succumbing once (or twice, or whatever number equals “failure”) means we will be left with...nothing.

So then, what if we made the goal progress rather than perfection? Progress means we can continue being successful even when it is unreasonable to expect that we will always be perfect. It means that we can strive to be just a little better every day, trusting that all of those small gains will add up to bigger victories as we are consistent over time.

Phrase #2: Be imperfect, and get sh*t done.

Excuse the language, but this one’s my favorite! It is easy to wait for that perfect, “right time”. The right time to eat more healthfully, to start an exercise routine, to pursue that dream you’ve had for years now. But the reality is, there is no right time.

Our lives will always be crazy (it’s the rule, not the exception!).

At some point, we will “fall off the wagon” (whatever that means!).

But that’s OK! The desire for perfection can immobilize us, making us feel too scared to act on account of the possibility of failing. So what if we start by embracing our inner-scrappiness, and prioritize action over perfection? We watched our kiddos fall down a hundred times before they learned to walk - progress is messy. But mistakes are merely opportunities to do even better next time, and the more we embrace our scrappy side, more freely we can act with confidence.

Phrase #3: Practice Self Compassion.

This may be one of the hardest and most important lessons to practice, especially for us recovering perfectionists! When we make mistakes, it is easy to let the berating begin. We may even feel like self-judgement will help us be stronger next time. However, the better, often counter-intuitive choice is self-compassion: treating ourselves with kindness over judgement, recognizing that no one is perfect (including us), and remembering we can always try again! The way we treat ourselves in these moments is crucial to our ability to overcome setbacks. Imagine if our kids came to us upset about a mistake they made - we would assure them that one mistake does not ruin everything. Well, we deserve to give ourselves that same great advice.

Hopefully these three phrases can help you embrace your inner-scrappiness: to celebrate your progress, boldly take action, and immediately wipe the slate clean when a stumble occurs. Here’s to 2020 being our scrappiest - and most joyful - yet!

Not exactly a Pinterest-manicured moment, but my scrappy kids and I were having a cozy time together under my newest creation: a very imperfect rag (read, scrappy) quilt.

Not exactly a Pinterest-manicured moment, but my scrappy kids and I were having a cozy time together under my newest creation: a very imperfect rag (read, scrappy) quilt.

Niki J. Torres is the owner of Folk Fitness, where she specializes in helping everyday folks come together to build healthier, stronger lives. A personal trainer for over 7 years and nutrition coach, she believes there is strength in numbers, power in fun, and that the smallest changes can make the biggest differences. Niki holds certifications through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), Athletics & Fitness Association of America (AFAA), and Precision Nutrition. Folk Fitness offers in-home personal training, virtual training, and small group training in the Raleigh area, as well as a bootcamp in the Hedingham community. Niki is also the proud mom of two awesome gals.

For more info about Folk Fitness, visit:

What's YOUR Big Adventure?


You’ve been hearing about it for months: Folk Fitness is raising money for the NC Special Olympics in order to gain the opportunity to rappel down the Wells Fargo building in downtown Raleigh. Well…we did it!

Last Saturday, our team of two went down 400 feet - that’s 30 stories - of building. It was a rush, for sure. It was exciting in the moment and also made it feel that much sweeter to be back on the ground with family. It was 1 part freakin’ scary and at least 3 parts incredible. It felt really, really good.

Want to see some pictures? Good, because I’d love to share!

Along with the hardcore Nerf player vibe we are giving off, take note of the other things that make this photo stunning, including Elizabeth's Winnie-the-Poo socks and my team shirt from the only softball team I've ever played on, "The Many-Handed O…
We obviously played a critical role in decorating the float.
This is one of my all-time favorite t-shirts, btw. Of a mountain lion, and it says, "Montana," a state I have never visited. Classic.
This game was called, "Grab whatever happens to be in the backseat and wear it into Wal-Mart."
This serious group rented a house together our last semester of college. It was all diligence and study around there, all the time.
Two orangutuans peeking out behind a bush. Because, of course.
She was wearing a Superman shirt, so...obviously...

All in all, our humble Folk Fitness team of two raised $2,035. We were part of something even bigger: this event alone raised over $100,000 for the NC Special Olympics. And many of you reading this were a big part of that: we had a total of 41 donors - Wow!

After the big event, my amazing husband put this sweet post up on Facebook:
Niki Jacobsen Torres - you are an inspiration to me. You are bold, determined, a risk taker, and full of joy. It was so much fun to see you go over the edge and set a great example for all of us to live an adventure.”

That post got me thinking…what is my NEXT adventure?

And also,

What is YOUR next adventure?

As a personal trainer and nutrition coach, I talk a lot about the power of small-but-consistent healthy choices, and about the importance of habit formation. But can I share a secret with you?

That stuff is boring.

Well, it can be. It can also be fun, and it’s my driving force to make it so, but still……that part? That part is the grind.

Since this weekend, what I have been reflecting on is how finding an Adventure to Live gives purpose to the grind. It gives the grind more meaning, and it better motivates us to hold ourselves to what we said we would do in order to reach that higher (and more exciting) goal.

Would you run faster on a treadmill, or if a bear was chasing you?

We all need an adventure to live.

So what does it take to find that adventure, and how do you start?

Start by dreaming big. Adventures, by nature, must be a little scary. Must stretch us a little more than we are comfortable. Must take us - dare I say it? - Over the Edge. So start there: what sounds exciting-but-slightly-out-of-your-current-comfort-zone-or-ability-level?

I would suggest coming up with an adventure on a 6-12 month timeline. Less, and it may not be too much of an adventure. More, and it’s easy to lose focus. Then how do you start? Just like eating an elephant: by breaking it up into small parts.

Here’s an Example Timeline:

  • In 12 months: Run a marathon!

  • In 8 months: Run a 1/2 marathon

  • In 6 months: Run a 10K

  • In 3 months: Run a 5K

  • In 1 month: Commit to a running program or group to train with

  • In 1 week: Begin researching marathon training programs/books/groups

  • Today: Schedule 3 days/week to begin walk/jogging for 30 minutes

Remember this: If you don’t get started, you don’t have an adventure: it’s just a wish. Move your thoughts into concrete action - start planning today!

Need some inspiration? Here is a short list of some of the next adventures I am considering in my next year:

  • Snow Skiing (I haven’t been in over a decade!)

  • Hiking up Old Rag in the Shenendoah National Forest

  • Biking 100 miles with Bike MS next September

  • Walk/Jogging at least four 5K / obstacle races in the next year with my family.

  • Going Over the Edge again next year? Hmm……

Adventures are good for the soul. They are also good for the world! I strongly believe we all have super powers the world needs us to use, and for me, fitness is about helping to better enable ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally to be our best Superhero self!

So I want to know…what adventure will YOU be living next?

Medal Ceremony.jpg

A Trainer in Crisis


A Trainer in Crisis!

Secrets Revealed….

May I share a secret with you?

I HATE advertising. HATE. IT.

This is likely in part because I’m just not that great at it, and it’s always more fun to do things that make us feel like rockstars, right? But there’s another, deeper reason that I hate it. And it has to do with you.

I hate advertising, because I worry about how I am making you feel.

All advertising works on the basic premise that you the consumer have deep needs/wants/desires in your life, and by tapping into those things, we the marketers can convince you that we have the answers to what will truly make you happy.

Now that may feel a bit shady already, but it really doesn’t have to be. The truth is, I believe deeply in the power of fitness (and the community it creates) to make our lives fuller and better, to help us feel stronger and more empowered. So I try to focus on that, knowing that fitness really can fill an important need in a person’s life.

The problem is, selling personal training or nutrition coaching is just not the same as selling free trade coffee or a photography session. You see, selling fitness gets aaaaaaalllll up in your business and in your headspace, asking you uncomfortable questions about how you spend your time, what types of foods you eat, and whether you feel ready to make changes to support a different way of life than the one you are currently living. That’s a lot. But there’s even more. To illustrate, let me tell you about a different scenario: party conversations.

When I meet someone new at an event like a wedding or holiday get-together, at some point we will likely talk about what we do for a living. This is great - I love talking about what I do and hearing about others’ lives! But inevitably, once I mention I am a personal trainer, the conversation becomes a bit confessional, as if I was a priest and my new acquaintance felt compelled to confess to me his/her past routine, how s/he has gotten off-track, gained weight, and really needs to get back to it.

Even this is not all together “bad”. I’m all for diving in and being vulnerable with others! However, what bothers me deeply is the shame that is always attached to the conversation. The almost-need to apologize to me, a stranger.

Most of the time, I have a hard time responding in a way I feel good about. I try to make sure to say that hey, it’s hard for everyone - these are normal feelings and life situations that we all struggle with. I talk about the power of making small changes, not feeling like we need total overhauls all at once.

I say these things because they are true. I also say them because I feel these words would come off better than hearing a near-total stranger grasping their arm and emphatically replying to them:

You are beautiful NOW! You are worthy and valuable RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT!”

Folks. THIS why I hate advertising. Because when I talk about personal training or nutrition coaching, I fear it often leaves you with a feeling of shame, like you have messed up, like you are not good enough just as you are.

So can I just say right here and now - and can we all pretend I am on a mountain top, shouting my heart out in a fervent plea that you would hear me and believe it in your soul:




My friends, exercise is empowering. I cannot count the number of times I have been down about everything going on in my life, and after one good workout, my entire attitude changed: nothing seemed insurmountable.

Healthy living brings energy. When I eat well, my body feels and performs better than when I eat crap. I have more stamina and drive.

I truly believe that exercise and eating well help us live more fully into the lives we are called to. To help us more easily be our best selves. To help us more easily help the people we are meant to serve. In short, to change the world.

You are so much more important than your jeans size! And what you offer is so vitally important to this world! Never for one minute doubt your value due to how many times you worked out in a week or whether or not you ate the Cheeto’s. That is never in question.

However, if you want to get into an exercise routine that you can love and have fun doing - if you would like to learn strategies that can help you incorporate healthier eating habits while still taking part in the joy that food brings into our lives - then let’s talk. Let’s plan. And let’s get started!

Who Am I and What Am I Doing?!?

Many of you know that I have been a personal trainer for a number of years now, but I haven't written too much about my journey into nutrition coaching, so I wanted to share that with you...

A number of years ago, a super-rad dietitian whom I respect posted this article: “Can Personal Trainers and Health Coaches Give Nutrition Advice?” I eagerly read the article, anxious to hear what it had to say.

That had been my dilemma for quite some time: as a personal trainer, I saw tremendous value in regular movement in people’s lives. I believed in the power of exercise to build strength, self-esteem, tight-knit communities, overall wellness, and yes, aid body composition goals. However, I had been at the training game long enough to witness again and again that a person’s weight loss goals would not be met by exercise alone - nutritional change would need to happen as well. But who was I to make such pronouncements? I was not a dietitian (which, by the way, means that someone has completed a four-year degree, internships, and passed a licensure exam, among other things), and I felt skeptical about becoming a certified ‘nutritionist’ through some random organization (since the term ‘nutritionist’ can mean just about anything and there is no particular set of criteria to become one).

Enter Precision Nutrition into my life. John Berardi is the founder of PN and was also the author of that article. The article not only helped me clear up what was in and out of my scope of practice, but it introduced me for the first time to Precision Nutrition’s habit-based coaching approach, which, as it turned out, was pretty much exactly what I had always believed about nutrition.

So what IS habit-based nutrition coaching, you ask? Well, for starters, it is just about the most UN-sexy way to “sell” body composition change! You see, habit-based coaching can’t generally lead off with claims like “Lose 20 pounds in 20 days!” or “Get Ready for Swimsuit Season in One Month!” This is because habit-based coaching focuses less on the end goal, and more on the skills and practices needed to reach that end goal. Do you want to lose 20 pounds? Great! Let’s talk about the behaviors needed to reach that goal, then let’s work on implementing them, slowly and steadily, into your lifestyle in a way you can learn to manage and maintain! Habit-based coaching works on the belief that learning to think like a fit person and make choices like a fit person will eventually lead to you become a fit person...that our long-term habits must change for that change to last, and habits ‘stick’ best when changed one by one.

So I began a really awesome journey with Precision Nutrition, first becoming certified through their Level 1 program, then beginning to offer in-person and online coaching to clients, and I am now part of their yearlong Level 2 program. Over the time I’ve spent offering nutrition coaching, here are things I have observed:

  • For most people, “good” nutrition is not a knowledge problem as much as it is an implementation problem. Sure, nutrition can be confusing to navigate, particularly with the information overload that is out there today. But for most of us, there are many things we know we can do to positively affect our diet: eat more veggies and less sugar, for instance. Focus on whole, minimally-processed foods. These gems of knowledge are not highly sought-out secrets; the breakdown comes when actually making those changes consistently in our everyday lives.

  • Much of the time, making better nutritional choices goes hand-in-hand with working on stress management, self-compassion, new time management strategies, and other things that are not expressly under the heading of ‘nutrition’. When we set out to ‘eat better,’ we don’t often think about how our bedtime affects those choices. Or our support system of friends, families, and co-workers. Or the routines we have put in place. But these are the things that often end up making or breaking the goals we have set for ourselves.

  • More often than not, clients can make amazing changes with just a little bit of guidance and a lot of support and accountability. When I look over a food journal with a client, it is usually pretty easy for them to see the changes they could make. The magic happens in talking things out, coming up with a strategy for tackling it together, and me checking in with them to see how things are going.

So if you have been on a cycle of jumping from one diet to another and thinking that you just need to find the 'right' one (something I will talk about in an upcoming blog post!), take a minute to step back and check in with some of the habits that are in place in your life. Ask yourself some things like:

  • What time do you generally go to bed, and how much sleep do you get (seven hours should be the minimum for anyone and often more is better)?

  • How much stress do you carry in your life, and what sort of coping mechanisms do you use to alleviate that stress? Do you feel you are able to cope with stress in healthy ways?

  • How do you talk to yourself? Are you your own worst critic, shaming every ‘wrong’ choice you make, getting down on yourself for your failures? How much compassion do you offer yourself?

  • When it comes to eating, do you do ‘diets’ with an all-or-nothing approach, making rigid, perfect choices for a short amount of time and then ‘falling off the wagon’ and binging for a while before the cycle starts again?.....or do you take a more measured approach, trying to make small improvements everyday?

  • Do you have a system for meal planning and prepping that is working for you? Do you feel confident with your kitchen skills to plan and make at least a few basic meals at home that include lean protein, veggies, slow-digesting carbs, and healthy fats? How confident do you feel in knowing which foods are parts of those categories without simply following a prescribed meal plan?

  • Where do you eat? How fast do you eat? Are you always doing other things while eating (like working on a computer, driving, or watching TV)? How mindful are you about the experience of your mealtimes?

These are just a few areas to stay checked in about throughout your day. Try it today, and see what you might discover! And if any of the above feels like you might want some help in bringing awareness to and implementing these habits, that’s what I’m here for - let’s talk!

The Power of Two

A few weeks ago, I was lying in bed about to go to sleep, and a text message popped up on my phone. It was from an old college friend who is still one of my besties today, with the message, “This is gold,” and this picture:


I giggled. Aww, the ole’ college days. Elizabeth and I had the same ridiculous sense of humor, and we often found ourselves spinning off into some scenario we thought was hilarious (regardless of whether anyone else agreed), and then - clearly - documenting it with photos. That night, Elizabeth was looking for a different set of pictures, but she kept coming up with more and more photo evidence of how we spent our college years. May I share them with you? Make fun of me all you want, but we were having a blast...

Along with the hardcore Nerf player vibe we are giving off, take note of the other things that make this photo stunning, including Elizabeth's Winnie-the-Poo socks and my team shirt from the only softball team I've ever played on, "The Many-Handed O…

Along with the hardcore Nerf player vibe we are giving off, take note of the other things that make this photo stunning, including Elizabeth's Winnie-the-Poo socks and my t-shirt from the only softball team I've ever played on, "The Many-Handed Octopi."

This serious group rented a house together our last semester of college. It was all diligence and study around there, all the time.

This serious group rented a house together our last semester of college. It was all diligence and study around there, all the time.

We obviously played a critical role in decorating the float.
This is one of my all-time favorite t-shirts, btw. Of a mountain lion, and it says, "Montana," a state I have never visited. Classic.

We obviously played a critical role in decorating this float (here I am wearing another one of my all-time favorite t-shirts, btw. Of a mountain lion, and it says, "Montana"...a state I have never visited. Classic).

Two orangutuans peeking out behind a bush. Because, of course.

Two gorillas peeking out from behind a bush. Because when your gorilla impersonations are that good, you just have to show off.

This game was called, "Grab whatever happens to be in the backseat and wear it into Wal-Mart."

This game was called, "Grab whatever happens to be in the backseat and wear it into Wal-Mart."

She was wearing a Superman shirt, so...obviously...

She was wearing a Superman shirt, so......obviously...

That night in bed, I found myself laughing out loud for the next 30 minutes at past antics, the two of us sharing texts with each other like, “We really are the funniest people that ever did anything funny,” and “We are HYSTERICAL,” and “#comedygeniuses”.  

As clever and well-staged as these photos are, what in the world do they have to do with fitness? Well…

Here we are, in February. Statistics show that 80% of new year’s resolutions fall short by the second week of this month. Isn’t that crazy? Wouldn’t you want to believe that the majority of us could at least make it halfway, or heck, even a fourth of the way into the year before throwing in the towel on the goals we made only a month before? As dismal as that percentage may be, there is a silver lining: the other 20%. And that’s where we all want to be, right? So what is it - what is the thing that separates that 20% of go-getters from the rest? While I believe there are a few important factors (that I will post about on my Facebook page throughout this month - stay tuned!), there is one I feel is the biggest...

Back to the comedic genius of those silly as Elizabeth and I each were individually, I doubt those moments would have been created solo (acting like a gorilla in public just doesn’t have the same feel to it when you are doing so I’m told). In the same way, moving mountains (a.k.a. embarking on any big project or life goal) alone can feel scary and overwhelming...but add another, and suddenly, you have a different sort of power - you are a FORCE to be reckoned with!

Ally. Co-conspirator. Partner. Buddy. Compadre. Duo. Team.

Roll through those words again...there is an excitement there, right? An electricity. Inside those words contain potential energy, just waiting to jump to action. These words imply:

“We are in this together. We have each other’s backs, no matter what!”

Sometimes, for some goals, a person’s “co-conspirator” may be an actual life partner, family member, or friend...but that’s not always the case (and sometimes it works better when it is not!). Really, your compadre just needs to be a person who ‘gets’ what it is you are trying to do and can stand alongside you: in encouragement and support, offering help when needed. To that end, the person you find for yourself could be a running partner, a co-worker, an acquaintance who shares the same goals as you, a coach, trainer, therapist, or mentor.

So what is that mountain that you are hoping to move this year? And what sort of help do you need to make it happen? Let’s be honest, none of us are islands - we are created to need each other. So reaching out for support doesn’t make us weak, it makes us human. Once you’ve figured out what you need, take one small action today to put that in place. Start a friendly challenge with friends to stay on course with your health goals (I have some friends doing this now who have been an incredible support to each other). Ask your mom to check in with you to see if you are flossing (umm….yeah...that’s me). Convince your HR Manager at work to provide fun incentives for a healthier work environment (and tell her to call Folk Fitness! I would loooove to partner on a project that brings fun wellness opportunities to offices!). And if you feel stuck about how to even begin, start by asking someone just to brainstorm with you about how to get un-stuck. Once you are OK asking for help, support can be found and the possibilities are limitless.

Here’s to persevering, together, to move those mountains in 2018!

Goodbye and Hello

Well, Folks - we made it. For better or for worse (hopefully better!) Christmas has come and gone another year - the shopping, the dining, the parties, the families, the presents, the chaos, the magic, the awesome, the sacred, the wonder, and...WE. MADE. IT.

And here we are now, on the precipice of the next year...2018: filled 365 new opportunities. Countless potential energy, just waiting for us to arrive.

This week is such an interesting one, and one that I think doesn't get enough credit. The days (weeks? months?) leading up to Christmas are generally SO hectic, and this week is a welcome break from that. Many of us are still off work or on vacation, but even if we have returned to our jobs, it is likely that the load is not as full or frantic as usual. Here we are, still in "downtime" mode, without a massive event (i.e. Christmas day) to get ready for. Because of that, this week makes for an excellent time take stock of where we are, look ahead, and prepare for the coming New Year.

Now to many, that may sound like this has become a “Let’s all make resolutions!” post, and I’ll admit, I’m a bit of a resolution junkie (I’m on Team “LOVE them!”). But this is not quite that, so stick with me.

In this Insta-World we live in, we are often much better at starting something new rather than resolving what we’ve just done. So in that spirit, I want to offer up an thought exercise to do this weekend that gives us a chance to say a proper “goodbye” to 2017 before plunging ahead. Then once we’ve done so, we can take that same spirit and dream a bit about the future. So grab a pen & paper and take a moment to think through some of the ideas below:

FIRST, start with where you've come FROM: what happened to you this year, the awesome and the hard?...

  1. What went well? What were the feel-good accomplishments, the things you are most proud of?
  2. What were the challenges of the year? What hasn't come to fruition yet, or where do you still see room to grow?
  3. What were the big events? What things took up your time and brain space & how did you feel about that?

This is not a time for berating yourself, but rather taking an honest look at the shape of your 2017 so you can use that knowledge to jump confidently into 2018. It is ALSO a time to give yourself honestly-earned props for your accomplishments - don't leave those "little" things out...they matter! You may be surprised to discover just how many books you read, or remember some small-but-significant milestones you passed. Laying out all the events of your year (many probably which were unexpected) may also make it easier for you to see why you may not have completed every ambitious goal you had set.

NEXT, look ahead to the new year. Try to imagine yourself at this point next December...what is it you hope your year would have been filled with? What great things do you want to make sure you keep with you from this past year? What is important for you to keep working at to reach your goals? What do you need to make those dreams a reality?

It may be helpful to think of this in terms of:

  • New habits / rhythms
  • Mindset and mindfulness
  • Planning
  • Creating space (i.e. creating time in your day for YOU, for exercise, for cooking, etc.)

...instead of just outcomes like, for example, “lose 20 pounds,” or “fit into size 10 jeans.”

But why is that? And why bother with this exercise - how is this different from writing down resolutions? Here’s the thing:

No matter what we call it - resolutions, goal-setting, hopes, dreams - the reality is that these things do not just happen - ever. January may feel shiny and new, but eventually sick kids happen, unexpected happens, work and stress happens...LIFE happens. These things we want...we  have to chase them - hunt them down, make a plan, alter the plan, keep at it, fall down and get back up, and (over time) these goals become ours, not (just) because we wrote them down, but because we persisted. But it starts with mindfully making a plan.

So this idea of using this week to “Say Goodbye, then Say Hello” is about:

  • Realistically looking at our lives,
  • Naming what it is we want, and
  • Making a plan for how to START.

...Not “How to arrive.” Likely, your plan may have to change a million times this year to get to your goals....but you don’t have to worry about that right now. The important thing is STARTING. Starting honestly, mindfully, and positively.

For better or for worse, 2017 is coming to a close - give yourself some well-deserved praise for making it through another year. Here’s to the journey of 2018!

Making a List and Checking It Twice…

Remember how fun making Christmas lists used to be as a kid? I’d grab a toy catalog and get to work circling every other picture with my red pen, then happily write it all out into one, long list.

Somewhere down the line, Christmas list-making became a lot less fun and a lot more stressful.

With so many presents to buy, decorations to put up, and events to attend, it’s hard to think about what I personally want for Christmas. Then when I do, it’s often something incredibly lame, like “replacement shoes for the ones that are worn out,” or “a handyman to fix our fireplace” (by the way, if anyone knows a good handyman, please let me know).

So much of “Adulting” means putting others’ needs before your own. This is not an entirely terrible idea in theory, as I am all about working to live a more selfless life. But there is a difference between selflessness and an abandonment of self-care; between being mindful of others’ needs and losing a sense of what YOU need. The reality is, we can only help others to the extent that we ourselves are healthy; so in that sense, investing in yourself is also investing in the ones you love.

Adults, UNITE! It’s time to reclaim our Christmas lists! Not with remote-controlled cars or toy trains (unless that’s your thing; no judgement), but with ADULT indulgences: splurges to make your life happier and healthier. Here’s the thing - most people find it hard to spend money on the items below; so why not ask for some of these things for Christmas instead of getting one more sweater that you only half-like? Below is a Christmas list I’ve actually ENJOYED coming up with. Some of the links below are Raleigh-specific, but the ideas can be applied anywhere:

Healthy Gifts to Ask Santa (or Aunt Etna) for this Christmas:



Classes are a chance to explore something you love that you probably don’t give yourself enough time to do...they are also an excellent excuse to get out of the house, let someone else handle dinner, and have some me-time at least once a week for 6-8 weeks. Hobby classes are awesome (I have taken sewing & cooking classes that I looooved), and regular exercise classes are always a great idea. Below are a few other movement-type ideas you may not have considered:

  • Ballroom Dancing. Admit it: you think about doing this every time you watch “Dancing with the Stars.” That is precisely why my husband just gave me this present for my birthday! Check out Southern Star Ballroom in North Raleigh.
  • Circus Techniques. These places are getting more and more popular, which is so fun! Places like Cirque de Vol can teach you how to hang from a trapeze or twist yourself up into silks! A childhood dream come true!
  • Parkour. Yeeeeessssssss…..doesn’t this sound crazy? CRAZY-AWESOME: Check out Enso Movement with locations in Raleigh and Durham.



We don’t always have the time or money to make it to a gym. The good news is, it doesn’t take much to turn your home into your own personal gym. Seriously: no giant treadmills or large-scale workout systems required (but totally cool if that’s what you’re into!). There are tons of great workout programs where the below equipment is all you need (Want some help getting started? Let’s have a quick convo…). At minimum, here’s what to ask for:

  • A set (or two) of dumbbells. These dumbbells should be heavy enough to be as challenging as possible while still maintaining good form. Grab one set of two equal weights, then one more single dumbbell that’s just a little heavier.
  • A band, or set of bands. Having a band allows you to do a workout anywhere: on the go, in a hotel room, at your Aunt Etna’s house. Having a few bands on hand allows you greater flexibility when an exercise feels more or less challenging. This set is a little pricey, but they are super-versatile and I love them.
  • A mat. Not absolutely essential, but a mat makes floor work feel better than using an old beach towel or laying on your dog-hair-laden carpet.



Sure, everyone loves to feel pampered, but remember, this is more than just pampering: the below may be a much-needed stress relief, muscle relaxation, or brain break for YOU…

  • Massage. Lately, I have been seeing Ityra at Capital Massage for a Thai-style massage to get some extra flexibility in tight muscles. A-MAZ-ING.
  • Chiropractor. Have some lingering pain that just won’t go away and you can’t figure out what's going on? It may be something that could be easily worked out with a few visits to a good chiropractor. I can’t recommend Jess at Oak City Chiropractic enough!
  • Babysitting. Yes, I mean it. Parents, this is SELF-CARE. You don’t have to have a great excuse or a big event: ask for babysitting for a few hours to just sit in a coffee shop, enjoy the peace, journal, or do nothing at all.



  • Personal Training. For many of us, classes just don’t fit into our chaotic schedules. Heck, driving to a gym might not even fit into the chaos! If you don’t feel ready to tackle exercise on your own, consider trying at-home personal training! I travel with a gym in my trunk and bring the workouts to you: all you have to do is roll out of bed and answer the door. Personal training may feel like a big indulgence for you to pay for year-round, but I have a great “jump start” package to help you feel confident and set up with your own workout and nutrition plan so you can take off on your own.
  • Online Coaching. This is an incredible way to find daily accountability and a nutrition/exercise plan for the entire year. My online coaching program starts in January, and spots are limited; if you have questions, I’d love to tell you more!



I’ve jumped on the supplement train late in life because my general viewpoint on such things is that we should all just eat healthy foods and get our nutrients the old-fashioned way. The reality, however, is that we DON’T always eat the healthiest, and even when we do, there are important nutrients our diet benefits from getting a little extra help with. I will write a more extensive post about this later, but below are some ideas and info to help get you started on what to ask for:



If you find cooking at home extremely difficult, perhaps the reason is your environment is working against you. Some questions to ask yourself:

  • "Do I have basic cooking staples in my pantry/fridge that are included in most recipes?"
  • "Do I have kitchen equipment that makes cooking easier and more enjoyable?"
  • "Do I know what to cook and how to prep, or do I need some help learning these skills?"

Look for another post on this later in the year, but for now, here are a few cooking items to consider putting on your Christmas list:

  • A good set of pots and pans. “Good” is subjective, as everyone’s price point will differ. But if you are using the same pots and pans you inherited from Aunt Etna while in college, it may be time for an upgrade.
  • A good set of knives. Same story as above: if your knives aren’t actually cutting anymore, it’s time to get new knives.
  • A healthy assortment of spices. Spices are a great way to make cooking more fun and add variety to your dishes without adding calories. You can ask for a box of spices without even knowing what to do with half of them, then make it an adventure to slowly begin trying them out on new Pinterest recipes.
  • A pantry/fridge re-stock. If money is super-tight, it makes flipping your kitchen into “healthy and user-friendly” very difficult. Use Christmas as a way to get your kitchen ready for action by making it a gift from someone to help fill it with the essential basics. Not sure what those are? Reach out and I can send you a list!
  • Meal delivery services. If cooking every meal is just not where you are right now, online companies like Hello Fresh and Blue Apron offer an easy way to have meals delivered right to your doorstep.
  • Help learning how to prep, plan, and cook. If the main problem is a knowledge one, this is a good time to reach out and ask for help! I offer nitty-gritty nutrition sessions where we tackle whatever it is you are struggling most with and find a way to move through it. Sessions are super-practical and individualized to your life; they can take place in your kitchen or mine.

...So there you have it: your fun and healthy Adult Christmas List. Aunt Etna may be a little perplexed when you tell her what you really want (please, no more socks), but she loves you anyway.